CELEBRATE OCTOBER a 10/1! Reflect, Process any blocked energy. Find the resolution. Regenerate and move forward to create and manifest success.
AWAKEN your creative genius. Embrace the explosion of tele-communications taking place. Know it’s roots and the inventions, work of Nikola Tesla which will be talked about in this enlightening Newsletter.
CELEBRATE and do whatever you can, to connect and strengthen your spirit and telepathic communication with Angels, Mother Nature and the love from Animals.
STOP Eating Your Friends of Mother Earth and your Soul Family!
ON the shadow side of October, Pandora’s box is opening as you enter the underworld of lies, taboo subjects and your deepest feelings are surfacing. Take these emotions and transform them for an amazing opportunity to grow, be strong and be ONE!
OLD foundations and their paradigms continue to crumble.
THE media, different governments, the war mongering and profiteering, health industries, The spread of Ebola, GMO food and toxic water companies, The Matrix and what and whom they truly represent are being revealed to you.
“Begin to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen
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– A ONE with a zero as its partner
– THE One is straight up
– BE Strong, courageous and take charge in your foundation
– FEEL like a reed; flexible and free to the winds of change
– ZERO is a portal, door to other worlds, which you have access to.
– CREATE and manifest from these worlds, a metaphor of your higher self.
– EMBRACE Zero as God’s protection, guidance and love.
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SEE Obstacles As Great Opportunities!
MERCURY the messenger has gone retrograde from October 5 to October 26. AS a trickster, all types of communication, modes of travel can be delayed.
CELL phones, I pads, computers, cars can stop or there can be some confusion. Be aware how you express yourself and the words you use when you’re writing.
SECRETS will be revealed to you. The test is what you do with this information without judgment in 2014 especially this month.
USE your divine intuition.
BE empowered by 10/1, Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon, The Solar and Lunar Eclipses. Believe me you’ll be feeling it. Use all of it for your Magical Alchemy!
VISUALIZE any obstacles as rapid explosions of divine energy. Feel them as loving Kisses embracing you and here to guide you through all the sudden changes.
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Photo by Julian Michael
ONE of the greatest moments of the 400,000 People March, Sunday in NYC, September 21, 2014 was this.
FOR 2 minutes exactly at the start of noon we stopped. We held our hands up as NYC was Silent. It was such an amazing feeling it brought tears to my eyes.
THEN we all roared as love echoed and showered over US!
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THANK YOU for your readership and sharing, as THE “GAZE INTO TRUTH” SEPTEMBER was the most read ever.
CALL me 323-384-1333. Contact me and let’s share a Hug!
YOUR responses to MY Face book and the group “ Numerology Pearls of the Day” are approaching 1350 people. Yessss!
JOIN or tell a friend and receive a precious message of inspiration everyday. USE these Pearls of Wisdom as a tool to embrace the day and your Awesomeness!
RECEIVE the Pearls also on my Twitter, JulianMichael11
VISIT me now on Instagram as solmagik
CALL 323-384-1333 or Email me for a personal session and take advantage of my 35 years + expertise of the sacred Science of Numerology.
AS a Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist for over 25 years, I do Sessions in person, Skype or Face time.
ASK me, how Hypnosis as a very life–changing and simple modality can assist you.
LET me know what you feel and think, as I’M so excited to share with you sacred information about OCTOBER 2014.
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Photo by Julian Michael of Esther on her way to 400,000 People March in NYC
” Everything in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning.” – Pythagoras, Father of Mathematics and Numerology.
– BE the Power of ONE
– LOOK at what you started in January 2014.
– PROCESS what worked, didn’t and your plans, aspirations, goals that are on the edge and deserve a push to move forward.
– GIVE yourself a big hug.
– ASK what do I need to do to have success in my life.
– IS there something in your heart that you wish to do and you haven’t?,
– GO for It!
– DO not give up!
– YOU are an ever-changing continuum of eternity.
– BEING lazy doesn’t suit you at this time.
– PROGRESS with Passion.
– ANY financial transactions or dealings in business, it’s pragmatic to have a team of conscious people that support you.
– ENGAGE in all relationships 100 %. Be present, listen, exchange with a smile on your face. Be so thankful for the relationship.
I love what the Dalai Lama says:
“ Every morning when I wake up, I dedicate myself to helping others to find peace of mind. Then, when I meet people, I think of them as long-term friends; I don’t regard others as strangers. “
– ALL health scares of flu, Ebola alerts, vaccination urgency, please stop!
– GO to a doctor who understands a holistic approach and is conscious of alternative methods.
– DO not believe anything you read, hear or is being said to you!
RESEARCH, analyze and then make the proper decision. It’s your call.
“ Let your love be your guiding star. Let it be your breath. Then you live in the heart of God.”
– John Roger
– FEAR, your hell and dark – side challenges you in being ONE.
– PUT Whatever FEAR you have as a word it represents in a circle.
– MAKE the circle a Sun with rays coming out of it.
– CLOSE your eyes. Ask your heart and mind to show you what you’re afraid of from this specific FEAR.
– PLACE the thoughts and words as the rays that you made with the Sun with that Fear inside of it.
– LOOK at IT.
– SEE the connections from that main FEAR with all its words as rays
– SAY, “ I love myself. Thank you FEAR as I’ll take your words and feelings and consider them. I love myself!”
– THERE is no need to get angry or have a fight with FEAR. Be diplomatic. Love is the greatest power in the Universe.
DIMINISH FEAR and Take your Power Back to be ONE!
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Photo by Julian Michael
Know And Embrace the Luminosity of
I was anointed last month by the brilliant documentary ” Tower To The People,” about the life of Nikola Tesla.. His dream to build a Wireless Tower for all of humanity at Wardenclyffe.
EMBRACE TESLA’S visions of alternate energies, inventions, speaking to the stars and beyond made real. Welcome to ENLIGHTENMENT!
FOR more information go to:
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“GOD is my un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
– Anonymous
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