HOW are you doing? The 2010 journey continues as you have 3 months left to 2011.This upcoming 2011 vibration is a 2 asking you to share direct divine intelligence, an 11, empowering others.
IN OCTOBER READ, work with your dreams, take workshops, gather in groups and visit power spots to empower your life purpose at this time of ‘The Quickening.”
LIVIA and I share this photo of the magical Tor of Glastonbury with you. This was taken by our guide Peter who chauffeured us around. On the morning of the Aries Full Moon Equinox we were energized, blessed and blissed at a festival inside Stonehenge.
THANK YOU Peter Prudlo for all the wisdom you shared. Email him at Germany) for his inexpensive Sacred Journeys all over Europe.
YOUR response to my ” September Be An Alchemist of Wealth 2010 Newsletter” was great. Thank YOU! It’s available to read on my website also it’s on my Facebook at Julian Michael.
CALL, Email,Twitter and tell your friends. I’m so excited to share and be back in NYC mid October. I’m always available for private consultations.
THIS is an exceptional opportunity for you to meet me in person, find out a deeper understanding about yourself , your relationships and life purpose.
Email or call me at 323-384-1333
IN this Newsletter I’m so jazzed to share the meaning of October. How to activate your Tools of Alchemy to be more wise, prosperous and connected with your Divine Perfection, the 10-10-10 Triple Star Gate, UFO’s and more.
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” Everything in the Universe is number and that number has a meaning.” – Pythagoras
THE 10 is a 1 – the Self and 0 – the cosmic egg of divine intelligence, Follow your intuition and embrace God’s protection in this zero.
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– HAVE 10 fingers, 10 toes, complete and perfect.
– REMEMBER how proud you were as you COUNTED to 10 as a child with so much happiness.
– HAVE walked, explored, been challenged, embraced the months of January, a 1, to September, a 9. Now success, material rewards and honor is yours.
– DESERVE to own your perfection. Whatever is right or wrong with you, you are perfect here and now!
– WILL re-evealute all the steps you’ve taken and continue to keep your mind and heart on the goals you wish to make real.
– LOOK at your finances, checkbook and business world. Re-evalute, process and move forward visualizing success, prosperity and you smiling from ear to ear as you look at your bank book. Be ready to share and learn about The Universal Law Of How To Tithe your money.
– BE AWARE, how you are sharing with your loving mate, parents, boss, friends and strangers. Find forgiveness in your heart for any wrong deeds. Know you are growing, learning how to be with yourself in all relationships and love unconditionally.
– SEE the zero of 10 as a mirror of manifestation. Look in and see the thoughts of your mental and spiritual world. Make it real, bringing you Oneness here and now.
– KNOW that the past is a library of experiences for you to access in dealing with anger, jealousy, betrayal and all old ugly feelings within and around you today.
– NEED to READ abou the mysticism, magic and hidden knowledge of the 10 sephiroth of The Tree of Life in Kabbala. These 10 globes of light each have a message for you. They symbolize the entire Universe, the body of God that is within you.
– KNOW the secret of the Yod, the10th Hebrew letter. This vibration is a part of all the sacred Hebrew letters, present in all of life holding the secrets of perfection , creation and regeneration.
– ARE infinite knowlege, infinite mind, infinite power, infinite time and infinite love.
– ACKNOWLEDGE your alchemy of genius in your everyday life.
– ” NOW realize that your new knowledge, your new understanding, your new insights, are already begining to alter the process in your body so that it no longer experiences entropy of aging.
I will continue to experience it as a dynamic, ever-changing infinitely flexible yet infinitely stable field of energy – immortal in its non-change and immortal in its ever-changing patterns, part of the immortal continuum of life – the Universe. – Maharishi Ayur-veda Association of America, March 1989
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!0 + 10 + 10 = 30 Star Gate
ON THIS very unique day on October 10, take a few minutes to meditate and pray. Open, explore, acknowledge this triple 10 Star Gate, Portal of Consciousness, awareness and shift in your path of life. Embrace the zeroes as the power of God behind your 3 of expression, artistic genius, creativity and all forms of tele-communications.
BE gracious; thankful for your material comforts, loving pleasure of happiness and your gift to tell it like it is.
BE a magnet, luminous of wisdom, kindness and love. Network, meet others who are higher developed or lower, reminding them, bringing them to their home , their heart.
OPEN your vision in this triple Star Gate. Awaken within to understand clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy. Use these gifts to communicate with people, animals and your intergallactic neighbors
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Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Ceo said,” All ET’s, UFO’s are real. You ask how does UFO propulsion work ? All points in time are connected.” –
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EVERYONE is excited about UFO’s these days. Last month retired generals spoke at the Washington Press Club talking about how UFO’s were turning nuclear missiles on and off in their silo’s. There was another Chinese Airport incident with UFO’s last week. The UFO topics are now in the main stream news. Hmm?
UFO’S = 3 + 6 + 6 +1 = 16-7
ARE one of the mysteries of life ready to be revealed? Are UFO’s our friend’s, enemies, military secret crafts or us in the future. More will be revealed sooner than you think.
DID you know that there is an Extra-Terrestial Exposure Law in the US?
IT states that it is illegal to make contact with ET’s or their vehicles. (Title 14,Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations.) ” Anyone found guilty of such contact would face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000. Also any individual who had been exposed could be quarentined under armed guard by the NASA administration without a hearing.”
I ask you and the world, what about the abductees? Stay safe and protect yourself with light meditations. Mantras as Om Namah Shivaya worked for me, it’s one of the most powerful Hindu Mantras. It means, I bow to the light, Shiva consciousness within my heart. Do not be willing to go when you are asked. Think and feel what is really happening. Be wise! Ask questions. Use your Light Intelligence.
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ANY questions, please be free to call me on Skype from anywhere in the world: Julian Michael.
* READ “ My Numerology Pearl’s Of The Day” everyday on my Facebook: Julian Michael.
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– THE soul of The Gulf of Mexico
– THE deadly toxic spill in Hungary flowing into the Danube River.
– BARACK OBAMA , all families of government leaders that you love or hate. Countries that are on your mind. To Mother Earth and your ET Hybrid Families.
“THROUGHOUT space there is energy. It is a mere question of time when man will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of Nature.” – Nikola Tesla
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GOD is my unfailed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
– Anonymous
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BEGIN to ask your soul today, show me how to see the truth in every word, and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth – Louthen
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FOR 30 years I’m an Intuitive Numerologist, Alternative Therapist, Personal Coach, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Writer and Producer of Parties of Empowerment and Soirées. You can do sessions with me in person or over the phone globally.
OVER 21 years, I specialize in Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions. My teacher Gerald Kein is Dr. Brian Weiss of “Many Lives Many Masters”, guide and mentor.
• ALL Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Sessions for First Timers are a 2-hour session. Other sessions are 1.5 hours and discounted
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THANK you for your readership, support and love. Please be free to SHARE this Newsletter. Let me know what you think and feel about this and anything else you have on your mind.
HAPPY OCTOBER 2010! HAPPY HALOWEEN! Peace, Blessings, with all my Heart. Tschüss, Love Julian xoxo