May 2013 Newsletter

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May 14, 2013 Comments Off on May 2013 Newsletter solmagik



YOUR perceptions of things are changing. A new way of thinking, feeling and how to live everyday is happening so quickly. It’s extraordinary and not easy to be you. Know how to make May work for you in your everyday experiences to continue to evolve being safe, aware and to Ignite your Freedom!


THE 5 is an inverted C with a line streaming upwards with a radical 90-degree turn.

REVIEW your past months of 2013 and your past years in the inverted C. You can’t take all your stuff with you, as there is a pause in the 5 before you move up. Lighten the load!

REFLECT on material things, people, past experiences, old ugly stuff and demons in your mind that have been haunting you. Process! Let go and emotionally release that which doesn’t serve you for your future ideas, dreams, aspirations and goals.

NOW move up the 5. That right angle turn in the 5 has triggers to other things you think you need that you also need to let go of. It really wants you to surrender and be flexible and free to flow with the changes that are ahead.

TAKE the next step to transform, transmute and move ahead in your life without resistance. Have confidence and be grounded, as the 5 is not crooked or strange looking. It’s firm and has discipline and perfection in all its angles.

WITH a renewed sense of who you are, be free to work on and adopt new concepts, ideas and progressive ways in your Soul’s Life Purpose.

YOU ARE WORTHY = 5 Destiny Vibration

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THERE are so many things happening in world events in every country of the world, especially here in America as I write this. Be aware not to take anything written and spoken as the God’s truth. Research and become the soul detective to know what is the Truth.

“Keep your mind clear and heart open so that you can hear the truth.” – Kuan Yin

ONE of the things in my physical, spiritual toolbox that works for me is having faith and belief in saying this empowerment: “I know everything will be presented to me for my evolution”. Say it and see the magic begin.

“BEGIN to ask your soul today: Show me how to by-pass the lies and the deceptions that are given to me and humanity as a truth. Show me how to see the truth in every situation in every word and in every person.”
-Gillian Macbeth-Louther

THE Media and Matrix is working overtime to separate you from all your brothers and sisters. Be aware of the mind games that are very effective. Unfortunately you have not seen anything yet.

This Brother and his talk blew my mind and opened my heart. “We are all sacred creatures of the divine…the suffering of one is not more tragic than the suffering of another…Do we believe that an American death is more tragic than an Afghan death? With the lethality of modern war there is no discrimination of civilian and combatant… with the resources we have, we use them for war. I hate war.” Fantastic talk – Rev. George Regas NOW #SUEStream

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MAY is named after the Goddess “Maia” meaning “The great one.”

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I’M so pleased to be in Los Angeles in May to share my magic.

THANKS for all the Emails and phone calls concerning my April 2013 Newsletter. I loved the discussion about what foods and additives block your body, mind and 3rd Eye intuitive development. How to live and be healthy with all that is going on – from GMO’s, harmful chemicals in your toothpaste and other toxins turning some people into soulless ghosts. Solutions were given to what to do to strengthen your psyche and immunity. Please Reread the Newsletter and others at

Facebook me at Julian Michael. The group “Numerology Pearls of the Day” has passed 800 people this week. Join and or tell a friend to receive a message of inspiration everyday.

RECEIVE the Pearls also on my Twitter, JulianMichael11

CALL 323-384-1333 or Email me for a personal session and take advantage of my 30 years + expertise of the sacred Science of Numerology.

AS a Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist for over 22 years, I do Sessions in person and also on Skype.

ONE of my extraordinary teachers Gerald Kein is the mentor and guide to Dr. Brain Weiss of “Many Lives Many Masters.” Ask me, how this very life–changing and simple modality can assist you.

THE 5 vibration is about freedom and this is the theme of this Newsletter. Let me know what you feel and think as I’m so excited to share with you the secrets of MAY 2013.

Photo by Livia Zeimet


“ EVERY letter, number in your Name, Birth dates and in the Universe is a sacred language, has meaning and consciousness.”
– Pythagoras Father of Numerology and Mathematics

MAY a 5 says:

– BREATHE, think and live free as the magical child you are.

– YOUR powers of manifestation are becoming stronger. Work on, train and guard your thoughts, as they are so powerful to create and manifest things in your life. Be careful what you wish for.

“ As you think so you are.”

– EVERYTHING good and bad is a teacher to you.

– IN the Koran obstacles are challenges. The challenge is to uncover the hidden opportunity. The secret is to meditate, use techniques of visualization and self-hypnosis to find the answers.

– I find hope in the darkest of days and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the Universe.
– Dalai Lama

– RADIATE your wisdom, beauty and push ahead to live a new you of consciousness.

– STOP, look and listen to all business transactions that you’re a part of. Careful of being so hyped on a deal or idea and not allowing yourself time to investigate, feel it and then make your decision. Please have patience. Read and know what the energy of money really is. Study and practice “The Law of Attraction” and everything that concerns Prosperity.

– YOUR buttons are being pushed very easily especially by those you love. Breathe and count to 10 before you say anything that could be stupid and damage your relationship.

“ONE angry thought can unleash 10, 100 gates of Hell.”

– SYNCHRONICITY and serendipity are becoming a normal experience in your life. Be thankful when it happens and ask for more.

– ASK an expert like Livia Zeimet how to be around animals and utilize their language. Animals are teaching you how to be more telepathic and tuned into the now. Don’t eat them! Embrace their loving whispers of wisdom.

– THE late DR Jerry Buess the owner of the LA Lakers basketball team created soirées and surrounded himself with wise people of all walks of life.

– SURROUND yourself with people of like mind and heart as they’ll empower you and visa- versa.

– EMBRACE the 5 Tarot Card of the Hierophant that embraces the magician and sorceress that you are.

” THE HIEROPHANT” sits in a throne aware of how to access and communicate with the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Either. You’ve become a very wise master and know how to utilize and share with people the Kundalini, Chi, Shakti and Christos energies of enlightenment.


– ALL Internet, cell and communication devices will be shut down immediately. Have a meeting place for family and friends to get together.

– TIMES are very unpredictable. Have all papers, deeds, insurances, passport and everything accessible fast. Make a copy of your passport and carry it around. If you do not have one get one now!

– HAVE some spare cash hidden for food, gas as ATM’s are closed down in an emergency. Extra water and gas in your car is so important. Have a destination already set that is safe and secure.


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BORN 2+10+1964= 32/5 Life Path Pin

Independence Day of America 7 + 4 + 1776 = 32/5 Life Path Pin

Glen Beck is a famous radio and TV personality. He has been in the news lately. He claims that there was a Saudi connection involved and a conspiracy against Americans that goes to the very top with the Boston bombing. If this is true or not, you do your investigation. I was fascinated to know what drives this man. This is what I found that was fascinating in some simple Numerology calculations.

His Name at Birth as a 6 Destiny motivates him to be a teacher and spokesperson to keep the community and family values together in harmony, beauty and love. On the opposite end he can be a fanatic, heartless and a selfish person thinking about his welfare and career.

The 32/5, the sum of his Birth date known as his Life Path Pin Number is the same as 7+4+1776=32/5 which is the day of America’s Independence. Glenn Beck is aligned with this powerful 32/5 vibration known in Numerology as “ The Herald of Light,” A Teacher of Freedom.

THIS extraordinary energy of 32/5 vibrates to the words; America, Christ, glory, power and Circle. This frequency is why Glenn Beck feels a duty and responsibility to protect people from lies and evil.

THE person who embraces this amazing energy needs to be strong, confident and really have a sense of self worth. Usually they are radical in their views and live the life of an iconoclast. They’ve been born to be the messenger of freedom and light consciousness.

THE dark side of 32/5 is living in self-indulgence, addicted to vices and lies. Researching and looking at Glenn Beck’s Numerology he has walked and lived in Hell.

THE sum of the Independence Day of America is the same as when you add Glenn Beck’s birthday of this 32/5 energy means there is a very powerful soul relationship here. This is one of the main reasons why Glenn Beck has such a deep concern about the truth and living in a free society as he’s abhorred by all forms of tyranny.

IS Glenn Beck living his Soul’s Life Purpose as a 32/5 embracing the beacon of freedom or a crazy obsessed person. You decide!

Numerology. It’s Simple, Easy and Watch the Magic Unfold!

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FOR your Empowerment:
SAY this at least a few times a day, ” Disease, illness and injury are not a natural part of my being. Perfect health, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is my natural state of being. The body and mind are in a constant healing process. My body, mind, spirit now reject all imperfections….expecting perfect health in every way. I now express perfect health …every day…in every way.”
– Gerald Kein of the Omni Hypnosis institute

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“GOD is my un failed infinite supply. Large sums of money and abundance come to me quickly, in peace and in perfect ways. My decision to let Universal Power work for me, frees me from the need to press for what I desire.”
– Anonymous

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THANK YOU Livia Zeimet for your photographic genius. I love the Bubbles Photo.

LIVIA is also an animal intuitive. She has an uncanny ability to speak to animals as an extraordinary animal whisperer. She’d love to communicate with and take care of your dog or cat. EMAIL her for more information and the beautiful work she does at – See her amazing photos on Facebook at C Livia Zeimet

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” Freedom


– THE Beginning of a passionate song sung by Richie Havens, Activist of Freedom, Exemplar of Music. Born 1-21-1941 & Transited 4 – Master 22- 2013. God Bless his Musical Soul!